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The Admin
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Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by The Admin »

Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

This forum is being provided to those interested in the art, science, and history behind hurling machines. Trebuchets, onagers, ballistas, catapults, you name it, we play with them!

Previously a lot of us hung out at TheHurl.org, but the owner (Ron) had to shut those forums down at Thanksgiving 2013 for a variety of understandable reasons. I would like to thank Ron Toms for all he did to provide us with a place to plan endless bridges to nowhere (though a few of them came to surprising success), and wish him well in his future endeavors. This is the replacement for TheHurl now.

Its goal is the same, to allow anyone interested in hurling a place to ask for help, discuss new plans, gloat about their success, and so on. If you know anyone that was previously on TheHurl (or the even older CatMess), please point them here, we'd love to hear from them!

What you see here is not the end of what is planned, a few plans for the (not-so-distant) future:
--The Image Galleries were a huge part of the old forums, and a plan is in place to install a similar feature. But it is not quite ready yet, so please be patient. In the meantime, attachments to threads are available, and images can even be placed in-post.
--The hope is also to restore some (or hopefully all) the data from the old forums here in a read-only state so that the wealth of information that was present is available for reference in the future. This is a complicated plan, and there are a variety of things that must fall in place, so chances are unfortunately small that this can happen.

These forums are my way of giving back to a wonderful community that helped me early on in my hurling career. I would not be where I was without Ron and the folks at TheHurl. Here's hoping this place can be a success too.

One final note: please, please, please report any issues you are having with this site in the Administrative/Site Issues Forum. I will do my best to track things down and make this site run smoothly for everyone.

If you have trouble accessing the site, drop a line at info_AT_hurlingforums_DOT_com (hopefully it is obvious what to do with "_AT_" and "_DOT_").

The Admin (Matt)
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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by Walker »

Just in time.
Thnx, Matt.
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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by Murray »

Alright everyone stay calm, I'm here now.
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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by Walker »

Oh Happy Day! Murray is here just in time for the blessing of the site by Our Lady of Perpetual Hurling.
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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by Walker »

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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by Murray »

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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by yankeesiege »

Hi Matt, I am totally new to forums of any sort. Nice to see this site so that we can keep in touch throughout the off-season. I tried to get on to THE HURL a long time ago, but was not successful. Hope to get familiar with some of the names. Steve
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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by Ripcord »

Hi Steve, welcome aboard!
As you can see, this forum is just getting started so there are not a lot of names to deal with.
I'm hoping that the rest of our gang from the mailing list will join in here as well, at least there will be some names we're both familiar with!
We'll see.

Happy Hurling!
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Re: Welcome to HurlingForums.com!

Post by BobP »

Hi all. I just found out about this board from RobertTheBruce. Who I'll be seeing two weeks from tomorrow at Snohomish. Glad to know the board is here!
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