Who's up for Burlington?

Discuss any hurling events here, such as the World Championships of Punkin' Chunkin' (WCPC). Have an event in your area you want us to know about? Post it here!
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Who's up for Burlington?

Post by KerikM »

I believe it's on the 24th. I will probably miss this one, as I expect to be getting a new knee. So Bob and everyone else, get good pix of any new machines, give detailed reports of all that happens, and...have fun.
I have little to report of my own activities; lack of access to machines prevents me doing the dozen or more things I have on my list. Meanwhile, the last issue of Popular Science--not this one, last month I believe--had an article on a PVC treb, sort of a variation on the cam/FAT theme. There was supposed to be more info, but it was behind a stupid paywall. So if anyone here subscribes to that mag, would they please get that and leak it for the rest of us? I can already think of some changes I'd make, just from what I saw.
I hope there are still some hurlists around here, that everyone hasn't croaked or something. I want to see knowledge-growth continue, and new discoveries like in past years. Just because the old site died doesn't mean this one has to fossilize...
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Re: Who's up for Burlington?

Post by madmattd »

Good luck with the new knee!

Burlington is indeed this coming Saturday, I had messed up and forgot to add it to the master list.

It seems most people had already moved on from theHurl back before it completely shut down, and the few that still talk online seem to have moved to Facebook for better or for worse. There are a couple folks from on here that post on the Texas Trebuchet Facebook group. I still drop in here fairly frequently myself in case someone has actually posted. The last few years I haven't done much myself, being removed from my team, storage space for machines, and most of the machines I could regularly play with. Re-building Mini-NASAW has been fun though, and we will be shooting that one, Melon Felon, and Janus at Wickham Farms near Rochester, NY next weekend at our annual demo event. NASAW itself can't make the demo this year, so we'll let the kids have fun pulling triggers on the smaller machines! I'll post some pictures after the event.
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Re: Who's up for Burlington?

Post by TeamPendragon »

I'll (RtB) be there again, with Ballistikraft in the lite division. It has 2 interchangeable arms- the original, and a new one that has some... improvements. (which I still haven't tested yet.) I'll be sure to get plenty of photos and videos of the event.

Hopefully now that the WCPC is (fingers crossed) back on, the online hurling community will come back to life. It definitely has been too quiet around here!
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Re: Who's up for Burlington?

Post by KerikM »

...I have a new knee, but I hear that the pumpkin toss was cancelled due to the shooting at the mall the night before. 1st we don't have Snohomish, and now this. Seems to me if a community really wanted to show its strength, it'd go ahead and have the festival, with a special dedication to the victims and the 1st responders. But if everyone wants to stay home, I guess I understand that too.
Anyone managed to get their machines out and doing stuff somewhere anyway? If so, I hope there's pix of any new ones. Meanwhile, think about ways to hold the hurling community together during tough times. I hope to see you all next year. Stay safe, everyone.
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Re: Who's up for Burlington?

Post by madmattd »

I was wondering if the event may have gotten cancelled due to the events Friday night. What a shame on so many levels. The West Coast does not have a major event this year that I know of :(
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Re: Who's up for Burlington?

Post by BobP »

Sorry I haven't been here in a while, a little too depressed.

Yes, the event was cancelled due to the shooting. Absolutely the right call as the shooter was still on the loose. But still very disappointing.

I had too machines set up and ready (more or less) to go. My onager Bad Wolf would have annihilated the competition. Or not. Ok, it was going to be completely lame. Again. Last year I broke all the wooden bits at Snhohomish. This year, all the metal bent on its way to Burlington. Dang speed bumps! We tried it out Friday anyhow and the results were forgettable. Arm is too long.

Mixed Nuts JR would have done very well.
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