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Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:59 pm
by madmattd
BobP wrote:WPCP 2018? Or is it gone forever?
No WCPC 2018 due to the on-going lawsuit. Gone forever remains to be seen but I'm not optimistic. We're hoping to go to Ohio this year, plus I'll be at the CO chunk again since I live 45 minutes from that one.

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:34 pm
by madmattd
I just got word today that the Ohio Chunk has been moved from September 28 to November 2 due to some sort of scheduling conflict at the field. The first post in this thread has been updated with the new date.

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:09 am
by KerikM
I'll see y'all at Burlington. If the weather is nice, I will bring Sevara. It finally has its side braces and new channel. I look forward to seeing old and new friends.

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:03 pm
by madmattd
Thomas wrote:It looks like the old Farmington event Siege the Day is being resurrected under different sponsorship. Similar rules but they're banning FATs (but not any other advanced designs). October 17, in Farmington, NM. McGee Park, not the vacant lot next to the museum. Rules look the same.
Thomas, any news on this event? I'm assuming Oct. 17 is a typo as that is a weekday, but I'd still like to have info for the event up if anyone knows more.

Any news out of Burlington from this weekend Bob, Kerik, others?

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:52 pm
by TeamPendragon
Burlington went well, although there were only 5 teams this year (UFO and Logcraft did not compete). Gourdinator threw the furthest with a shot of about 1090 feet. Hopefully I can get around to uploading video soon (still need to upload last years' footage too!)

The Ballistikraft did a personal best of 594 feet with a 1.4 lb pumpkin. This was its retirement year- I've got another machine in the works, which I'll start a new topic about soon.

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:37 pm
by KerikM
Congratulations to you and Ballistikraft, which I will miss. Look forward to seeing your new one. Don't forget some extra tools to stack on the counterweight!
I was with Bob Peterson and Skyward. Its arm fell down between the rails while I was helping cock it, due to a bolt having worked loose undetected. After this was fixed and we got a successful launch, our next one went straight up, might have been 100 feet or more, I didn't stick around to guess--you never saw a handful of people scamper so fast, in a handful of directions. It came down near the front of the next treb over, Insane Clown Chunker, which had previously given us a demo of insufficient weight ratio by flinging a crash dummy over the truck that cocked it and onto the edge of a flowerbed. When more weight was added, the dummy went in the right direction. But even when one gets used to seeing pumpkins go splat, one might not be used to seeing one splat that close. As Bob put it, "That's why we all wear hard hats."
Gourdinator was present as usual, throwing them the farthest as usual. UFO and Logcraft were not present, and it felt like we have lost too many machines and not gained enough new ones, even though there is only so much room in the "pit".
I was delighted to see the Gladiator Gourd Girls back, with an improved release prong. They were tickled to meet Sevara, which I had in my arms, and said there were other girls out there that might be interested in this sort of thing. I hope so. Sevara did not perform--it was too small for the crowds to see anyway--but Bob and co. liked it too. I did not get around to asking them about the performance of their own small wooden model. I always leave with at least as many questions as answers. But that's what keeps me coming back... that and the chance to see fine machines in action and the fine people who build them.
Lastly I am extremely grateful to whoever provided the food!

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:44 pm
by Thor's Hammer
Here are the results for the 2018 Chamberlain-Oacoma SD Fall Festival and Punkin Chunkin. This year we had 3 trebuchets and 2 air cannons. The air cannons were exhibition only so no official results on them. They were shooting into the water so we couldn't get a measurement anyway. Our competition is the cumulative total of 3 throws, not single longest throw. I am also attaching a link to a short youtube video made of the event. My trebuchet is the big one being pulled down with a winch and I also built the orange and green air cannon. Had a few minor problems with the treb that I didn't get sorted out soon enough.
The first place team was a high school Ag Power class and this was their first year competing and started building it the first week of September. ... ture=share
2018 punkin chunkin results.jpg

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:59 pm
by Thor's Hammer
I did recently learn of another event that I haven't seen you post. Petersburg, NE the last Sunday in October. ... in-chunkin ... 103721975/

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:50 pm
by madmattd
Good stuff you all, thanks for the info!

Sounds like Burlington is hanging on, hopefully it continues and maybe can even grow again a little. We need the West Coast event! I was reminiscing a few days ago about the days when Trebarbaric would break Yankee Siege's world record and Yankee Siege would take it back a month later. I seem to recall that happening 2 or 3 times. Does anyone know if this was a one-time absence for UFO and Logcraft?

The Chamberlain event looks great, I hope you guys continue to grow there too!
Thor's Hammer wrote:I did recently learn of another event that I haven't seen you post. Petersburg, NE the last Sunday in October. ... in-chunkin ... 103721975/
Thanks, I had not heard about this one before! I don't see a date for 2018 though, unless I'm missing it on one of those links? They even claim to be a WCPCA sanctioned event, that's news to me but I'm not up on the current list of sanctioned events. I should probably see if I can get a list of those, there might be another one or two events hiding in there.

edit: I found the date buried in a link on one of those pages: October 28. Adding to the list!

Re: 2018 Chunkin' Events

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:02 pm
by madmattd
Apparently the Tucson Chunk on Nov. 4 has been cancelled due to a lack of entries. Come on Arizona folks, get busy and build some chunkers and bring back this event for 2019!