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Posting Pictures

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:58 pm
by JoeWoe
I had this same problem on the old Hurl Cat Mess. What is an easy way to dowsize pictures to post on this site? On the old site I would convert them to PDFs, and that usually worked, but sometimes they would end up sideways. What I have had to do here with my latest post, was to find the pictures on my iPhone and then email them to myself. When I did that the iPhone gave me an option to reduce the size of the picture file. There has to be an easier way.

Re: Posting Pictures

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:42 am
by Ripcord
You have MS Windoze? Then you should have Paint. Paint is pretty limited but can open the more common picture formats (BMP, JPEG, etc.) and it has a 'Stretch' tool. Simply stretch the picture to whatever percentage (in both directions!) works for you. 50% will cut the picture to half its former viewable size but reduce the file size to 25%, roughly.
If you have GIMP (Linux), Paint Shop Pro or other picture editor, go with one of those as they have many more features then Paint.

Rotation is also available in Paint.

Re: Posting Pictures

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:36 pm
by madmattd
Also, if you have Microsoft Office, there is a very good and usable picture manager called MIcrosoft Picture Manager. If you open the picture with that program (right-click on picture, select "Open With" -> Microsoft Office Picture Manager), there are options to resize, rotate, etc. Does a better job than MS paint imo, but you do have to have a version of MS Office, which not everyone does.

There are other programs too, but Paint or Picture Manager are likely to be on your computer already.