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Less than a week to Snohomish!

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:44 pm
by BobP
I towed the upgraded onager to the other side of the Salish Sea (AKA Puget Sound) yesterday so it's in the vicinity. But I also got an email from husband of the organizer complaining they didn't have any entries in hand. My response:
"You haven't got entries because the entry form was never posted on the web. I'll be there, don't know about anyone else. I got Debbie to e-mail it to me and it's on it's way back."
As far as I know now, if I take both of my machines, the total entries will be two. Grrrr. Although I expect Fred will be there with Squash-O-Fire.

Burlington hasn't done much better.

Anyone else reading this that's coming? Aaron? RobertTheBruce? Even if it's just to help with my team?

Re: Less than a week to Snohomish!

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:35 am
by TeamPendragon
I (RtB) will be back at both Snohomish (with Ballistikraft) and Burlington (with Drill Sergeant). I had a few last minute team issues which is why I hadn't been able to reply to the organizers until now.

Re: Less than a week to Snohomish!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:00 am
by KerikM
I'll be there--I think, depending on whether person with car has recovered from surgery. Anyone get in touch with Gourdinator's people??

Re: Less than a week to Snohomish!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:47 pm
by BobP
Bad news for Snohomish -- Both UFO and Squash-O-Fire have had catastrophic failures in testing and will not make the event. That stinks. I'll take two machines but am lacking in crew (hint, hint).

See, there's a reason why I don't test prior to the events.....