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2015 Burlington Pitch

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:56 pm
by BobP
Setup day is in the books! Not the greatest day hurling; although the worst day hurling is still better than the best day doing most anything else. We set up for my first test shot and a couple of folks mentioned that my truck was parked about 20 feet behind the machine. I told them I wasn't worried, this is old reliable and it NEVER throws backward. It did. The shot landed at the distance of the windshield and only about four feet to the side. Oops, move the truck.
Next two were also popups, although at least forward. Robert the Bruce had a camera with slo-mo capability, he took a video and it helped me figure out what was going on. Second trigger was late. Made some adjustments, last shot was good.
It was also raining this morning, although not hard and it stopped by mid-afternoon. Tomorrow is supposed to be better.

Lineup today was RtB with Ballistikraft and Drill Sergeant, me with Mixed Nuts JR, Aaron with a new and improved UFO (didn't throw backward once!), Mean Old Clown Chunkers, and old favorite Gourdinator. LogCraft was supposed to be there but hadn't turned up by the time I left, around 4:00. Probably something silly like work. Hope he's there tomorrow.