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Do hurling events have a future?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:53 pm
by BobP
2016 was a disaster. Both West Coast events cancelled, for different reasons, and a serious injury at WCPC. Science channel cancelled their show. That's after the WCPC was cancelled two years in a row. Who's going to insure it now? And if they do, who can afford it?
Out here, Snohomish was cancelled because the organizer got cancer and Burlington because some idiot shot people in the mall the night before. Ok, nothing to do with hurling. But those events need insurance too. It's not like insurance people are going to recognize the difference between an air cannon and a treb. Who's going to insure the City of Burlington for the Pumpkin Pitch after they heard about the WCPC incident?

In short, it doesn't look good to me. What am I going to do with all that stuff in my shed?

Re: Do hurling events have a future?

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 6:10 pm
by madmattd
These are questions we've all been asking for the last month especially. The WCPC is likely still going to try to move forward (my guess mind you, not any sort of inside information), but official word on any of that and results from what happened at the event are all on hold pending lawyers sorting things out. Lawyers having to get involved is the issue of course. Time will tell. The impact on other events unfortunately is likely to be significant in my opinion. Just as so many good ones were popping up and growing too.

We had some plans for 2017, including some upgrades to NASAW. That is to an extent on hold, though we will probably still do some of it just to see what we can manage.

Re: Do hurling events have a future?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:45 pm
by madmattd
As a quick update, the WCPC is moving forward and intends to hold the event this year as normal. I believe there is still an investigation into the air cannon incident underway by the state of Delaware (the AG's office perhaps?), which could impact things, but it seems to all be moving forward at the moment. Time will tell of course. A lease with the landowner has been signed for 2017. Science Channel is not covering the event this year. Hopefully the other events around the country are not significantly impacted and can continue to operate (though I suspect that may not be the case - I hope to be wrong though!).