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2019 WCPC Is Moving - to Illinois

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:39 pm
by madmattd
Meant to post this last week for the few of you checking in on here, sorry! Anyway, Rantoul, IL stepped forward with a pretty solid setup for having a full 100-team event like what used to occur in Delaware. The WCPCA has been searching for a property for a while (off and on since 2014 when the first cancelled year occurred in fact), but nothing large enough and safe enough (there was discussion of another place that would have had any backwards shots landing in business's front windows!) in the Delmarva area was found with willing landowners (understandable given the legal climate of Delaware and 2 big incidents). Rantoul recently came forward and seems to really want the event, it will be held at the old Air Force base on the edge of town. So the event is on track to occur again, but for the first time it will be fairly centrally-located within the US.

The official WCPCA statement, copied here from
Official Release

It is official! The World Punkin Chunkin Championship is leaving Delaware. The team captains voted on a change of venue to the Village of Rantoul, Illinois. With 75% involvement, the vote was 70% YES and 30% NO. This is our event’s 4th change of venue since 1986. For over 33 years, we have called Sussex County Delaware our home but the chunk must go on. With many other Punkin Chunkin related events going on, there needs to be a World Championship.

We want to thank everyone for their support over the years. Most recently, we want to thank those that came forward in Delaware and Maryland in trying to keep the event on Delmarva. Unfortunately, our unique event requires large tracts of land. The Wheatley’s 600-acre property in Bridgeville, Delaware has served us well to date. We are very supportive of the land owner’s decision to not continue to host the event.

Our event will take place on the once known Chanute Air Force Base that was acquired by Rantoul when it was closed down in 1993. This property amongst their hospitality made their municipality an attractive location.

It has been our non-profit’s mission to conduct our annual event and give funds back to the community in the form of donations and scholarships for children. Since our inception, we have contributed over $1 Million Dollars in donations and scholarships. Our economic impact on the community has been incalculable drawing tens of thousands of spectators and participants from around the world.

We are currently planning the event to be on November 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Stay up to date by liking us on Facebook (@punkinchunkin) and visit us online at