New Registrations

Discuss anything hurling-related here. Ask for help, discuss design concepts, show off your work, it all goes here!
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The Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:30 pm

New Registrations

Post by The Admin »

I've disabled automatic user registration (fill out a form, click an email confirmation, done). I'm sorry to do this, but we haven't gotten a legit new user signup in a very, very long time. I'm deleting several spam accounts per week. If things were busier here, it wouldn't be that bad, but since it's quite quiet other than the spammers, I'm done playing with them!

If you would like to join this forum, you still can! Please just drop me an email at info_AT_hurlingforums_DOT_com (replace _AT_ and _DOT_ appropriately) with a desired username and email (if different than the one you send from). I will be happy to setup the account for you!
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