The Texas Chunk is 2 weeks away!
The Texas Chunk is 2 weeks away!
The new site is up and running! http://texastrebuchet.com/ The Texas Chunk is 2 weeks away. Nothing has gone smoothly, but we kept pushing forward like it was all going to work out. Inch by inch we have crawled, and dragged our selves to this point. We just lifted our head out of the muck, and have risen to our knees. I don't even know who's going to show up yet. All I know is there will be at least a few teams. That's a tournament, albeit humble, it's a start! Keep Flingin Man! 

Re: The Texas Chunk is 2 weeks away!
Good luck Robert and co.! I set up an album in the galleries here if you guys would like a place to upload pictures for everyone to see. Can't wait to see how it went! gallery/album.php?album_id=18